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Diane C. Jay

Born in Fullerton, CA

Lives & works in Fort Worth, TX


I am very excited to be able to share my art with you, it is truly a dream come true.  

    This journey began many years ago when I worked as an artists’ model posing for classes and became curious about the sketches and works produced by the students.  I asked questions about technique and theory then soon started trying my own hand at art.

    Although I have taken some art classes I am largely self-taught and enjoy the process of continually learning more about how to manifest my imaginings into tangible objects.    As my work takes shape, it’s a delight to see the illusion of space and depth emerging from the flat surface of my canvas.  Currently, I am painting koi fish using an oil glazing process that allows me to create a sense of depth with layers of translucent colors so that the fish seem to recede below the water. 


My goal in art is to invite collaboration with the observer. I work in a realistic style, but with just enough detail to make the subject

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recognizable and then allow the viewers’ own interpretation to complete the image.


    With the exception of a year in Spain, I lived in California all my life, until moving to Fort Worth, Texas in 2021.  I have two amazing daughters, my youngest lives with her family back in CA and my eldest lives here with her husband in TX.  Besides making art, I enjoy reading, and daily walks with my grandog, Noodle.


    My art is represented by The Gallery at Legacy West, located at 7700 Windrose Ave, G175, Plano TX where you can view and purchase my work. If you are interested in a purchase or commission, please contact them at 214-938-1083.


    I hope you enjoy my website and would appreciate hearing from you at


Best Wishes,

Diane C. Jay


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